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Explore Your Heartand

Discover Your Health.




Explore Your Heartand

Discover Your Health.

7 Quick Tips to feel Immediately Nourished

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Hi!  I'm Kellyann, the coach for the woman who wants to reclaim her health and live her life free of limits.  The brave women who wants to replace the depleted and draining areas of her life with nourishment and balance.  Life is meant to be JOYFUL and FULFILLING!  It can be more than the "to do" list, rushing the clock, and WAITING for it to feel good and come together.  Actually, life can be feeling amazing in your own skin!  It can be having enough time to take care of your fitness, your health, feeling sexy and confident and still taking care of the needs around you.  Dare to be the woman that has achieved balance because you have reached into your heart and decided what is important to you and how to get it. How we feel about ourselves directly impacts how take care of self and how we show up in the world.  What I have learned is that the LOVE we have for our self directly impacts the personal success we have in our life.  This is how explore our heart and discover our health.  This also affects how fit, free, and sexy we feel in our skin.   


Does it sound like nonsense?  Too simple to be true?  I felt the same way,  until I tried these behavioral changes and discovered a HAPPIER AND HEALTHIER, ME.  Our internal homing device seeks out what is similar to us because we liken ourselves to that energy.  So, if we are half full of self-love, let me assure you, you will only find career, wealth, relationships, self-care, health, body image, that is half full.  So, let me ask you, do you attract everything you desire?  Are there areas of your life that seem to misaligned and you can't quite figure out where to look?  Does it feel like everyone is taken care of in your life, except for you?  The answers are inside of you--and I can help unlock them. 

Greatest Love of All...


To tune into your truth, rediscover your desires, and treat your body with health, (the first secret revealed): it's about your own wisdom and what your heart really wants.  

It's not about following the new fad diet or health craze that creates health and it's not comparing yourself to your best friend to find your happy place.  I'm here to show you how to follow your personal guidance system, move the way your body craves, and eat to enrich your body.  Women are powerful and when we tap into our feminine intuition we can make changes that allow us to feel more loving and respectful about ourselves.   You will live with integrity and create boundaries for yourself that will make you feel confident and others will admire. Doesn't that feel sexy?


Feelings of doubt creeping in?  Fear gnawing at your insides?   It make sense, we don't know what we don't know!  There may be a voice in your head that resonates with this but you are unsure if you could be this womanThis is simply fear rearing it's ugly head.  This is simply because you haven't done it before.  Second secret revealed, It's in all of us!  Our early experiences shape us and sometimes quiets this voice but she's screaming to be MORE.  She isn't sure how and she can see herself this way, yet, but I have done it and I'm able to show you how!  I am firm believer that women can be much more when we allow ourselves to step into our true power, everything comes together and feels fit, free, and sexy.


I get you, love, and have been able to transform myself over time, so I get FEAR.  It's uncomfortable, it's paralyzing, but coming out the other side is sheer beauty!! Eventually existing in the irritable, unfulfilled, longing for more side of the street begins to wear on a body.  Finding our voice, our true self, and then following what we truly desire is the clear path to wellness.  Feeling this empowered isn't just for one type of woman, it's for ALL women and it's not far from where you are! 

When one woman aligns with her power it impacts those around her in a rippling effect. 

I know you can do it, because I did it too!  If this resonates with you, then you are a brave woman who has had success and knows there is more desires to achieve in your life.  If you know you can become more, stick around and I'll show you how to create your vision. 


  Read more....






It's time to

start putting yourself first!


It's time to

start putting yourself first!


Hey, I'm Kellyann!

I'm so glad you found me!!  This is my page where I get to share all my info on living your FULLEST!  I adore personal excavation and have so much gratitude for the journey I have taken to get where I am today.  I get so excited at the prospect of other women investing in themselves and up leveling their own life.   I love making people laugh, especially using my quick wit but also get serious about exploring body, mind, and soul.  I find it in the cracks of life; adventure, traveling, dance, yoga, relationships, photographing sunsets, and unexpected treasure searching for internal joy. Why be mundane?!  I have discovered that all I really need is the beach and the sun, anytime of the year, to truly ground and fill me up.  So, how did I get here?  I spent many years as an RN in the field of mental health but after sometime, began to feel true wellness could be attained by tuning in and hearing true desires instead of providing a one size fits all solution. 

Many of us feel at a crossroads from knowing what we want, to achieving it or knowing what we need to do, to making it part of our day.  At the root of most  issues is our lack of self love that keeps our life limited and you know, as a woman, it's hard to meet all the needs of your life if you don't put yourself first.  I have experienced that first hand and have developed what it takes to give your best to yourself and live the life you truly desire with complete wellness.  I'm just like you, I struggled for a long time, trying to figure out my life, my journey, what was I going to BE in this world. When I found nursing, I thought I had it ALL figured out!  I love connecting the mind and body together and this would be a great way to answer many burning questions about why do I have this ailment, why I FEEL this way.  I noticed people do want to feel well and it isn't always a choice to feel as bad we do, but sometimes the answer is more than skin deep, or the answer that is provided is in round, simple, one size fits all pill or explanation.  Then, we compare ourselves to others and ask, how does she do it?  How does she feel so good every day??   So, the first step is to stop comparing and look inside to your own heart's desire.  

I had achieved my degree and chosen career and life STILL wasn't working out the way I imagined.  So, when I noticed I didn't have the relationships with others that I wanted in life, I didn't connect or feel as joyful, energetic, or understood as I wanted, I did some excavating.  It wasn't the first time I chose this route, I have a long history of reiki healing (energetic healing) but I paired it with some talk therapy and scoured the books of self-love.  

Learning to love Our Self...

It's not the biggest secret out there, actually, it's everywhere but it's the most overlooked of all secrets to being happy.  It certainly is easier and less courageous to point a finger at the person MAKING you feel so upset, angry, or vulnerable.  But it was like a MIRACLE when I began the practice of self love.  Seriously, I thought I had struck gold. I wanted to share this secret with EVERYONE!  But that's a little weird, you know, not everyone is too interested in how much you love yourself.  That didn't stop me totally, I did share it with some trusted people, but the big thing I did was to began practicing daily gratitude and raise my internal love meter.  The best part of all, I didn't even have to tell anyone, people noticed on their own!  I had comments coming at me like, "you've changed", "you're nicer now" and my personal favorite, "wow, you are different"!!  The best part was how great I felt.  I did feel nicer, I felt more calm, I didn't get fired up so easily and actually noticed myself looking physically better.  Of course, I wasn't super proud of the old me, but I was really proud that I had moved into this new space and I was achieving success.  Learning to love myself included compassion for the old part of me because after all, the adage is true:

"we don't know, what we don't know".  We can only be what we know and when we know more, then we can be more.  That's where I come in.  I want to teach you to BE MORE!  Live and love the life that you create for yourself and say, YES to yourself in all your areas!




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Get to the heart of your health

and live the life you truly desire


Get to the heart of your health

and live the life you truly desire

This program will first identify your internal joy meter and what your true desires are to reclaim your health and fall in love with yourself.  Second, we will talk about the gaps in your mindset and begin to shift your perspective.  

I'll teach you how to breakthrough mindset limitations which allow you to stretch out of your comfort zone.  You will begin to redefine yourself, the life you always DREAMED of and actualize your HEALTH!

Begin to set intentions and rituals to follow through with movement and nutrition goals, to keep you accountable and on target with productive changes.  

first shoot!